Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mother Nature

Sometimes you wonder why the world hates you. Mother Nature turns her nurture to torture. I stand on the dirt as disaster strikes, and every tree I attempt to cower under is upturned by harsh winds. 97.5% of her tears are sad salt water. I stand alone and look up at the stars, so far out of reach. They are happy, but impossible to join. The rain begins to pour, but my head is stuck stiff from staring upwards. The drops pile in my throat and I'm slowly drowning from all that I take in. The mud below grabs at my ankles and I can't escape my fate without any branches to grab.

This isn't a post about depression.

This post is human.

I don't always feel like this, but sometimes she does hate you, and there's nothing you can do to stop the pounding in the earth.

The pounding in your head.

The pounding in your heart.

I ache for you. I ache for my friends, my family, my self. I ache for those cowering under upturned trees, staring at the stars, sinking in the mud. There's light somewhere behind those thick clouds in the sky. You have to wait out the storm to survive. She is cleanest after calamity. I want to speak with her and present a check for 7 billion hugs, because that's the least of what we owe. Maybe, just maybe you'll forgive us so that when we have these bad days, there will be branches to grab.

Grass to stand on.

Stars to reach.

If you can't forgive us, I understand, and I still love you.

As insignificant as I am, there's at least ONE person who loves and respects you.

So please save your fury for another day so I can stand on the trees to reach the stars.


  1. This is absolutely beautiful. Wow.
    The way you write is just so
    I also love the thing about presenting her a check for 7 billion hugs.

  2. Hmm interesting read! Made me think
